1 / 109

What is Gross Vehicle Weight?

2 / 109

To make the brakes work, air brakes use:

3 / 109

In the Hazardous Material Table, what is in Column 3?

4 / 109

How should you apply the brakes when going down a steep downgrade?

5 / 109

Watch out for black ice:

6 / 109

The vehicle inspection report:

7 / 109

The height of a vehicle's center of gravity is important for safe handling. Why?

8 / 109

When driving tank vehicles, because of the high center of gravity and the surge of the liquid, you must:

9 / 109

The amount of liquid to load into a tank depends on:

10 / 109

________ is responsible for identifying the hazard class of the material when shipping.

11 / 109

You should be extremely cautious when driving unbaffled liquid tankers, especially when:

12 / 109

If there is a fire in your vehicle, do NOT:

13 / 109


14 / 109

Texting while operating a commercial motor vehicle is:

15 / 109

If your vehicle is hydroplaning, you should:

16 / 109

To know if your vehicle is equipped with ABS, look for:

17 / 109

Older trailers do not have spring brakes. If the air supply leaks away:

18 / 109

If coolant has to be added to a system without a recovery tank, you should:

19 / 109

In vehicles with air brakes, the two markings on a front brake limiting valve are:

20 / 109

How many drinks per hour can be handled by the liver?

21 / 109

Which of the following is a clue suggesting a shipment of HazMat?

22 / 109

Do not smoke within ______ of a placarded cargo tank used for flammable liquids (Class 3) or gases (Division 2.1).

23 / 109

ABS will:

24 / 109

Column 2 in the Hazardous Material Table contains:

25 / 109

Drivers of vehicles transporting HazMat should:

26 / 109

Empty trucks require greater stopping distances. True or False?

27 / 109

Before driving a tank, you should:

28 / 109

If you are stopped on an incline, how can you start moving without rolling back?

29 / 109

Which of the following vehicles is most likely to turn over?

30 / 109

Engine oil pressure should come up to normal within _________ after the engine is started.

31 / 109


32 / 109

When driving a 50-foot truck at 40 mph, your minimum following distance should be:

33 / 109

Liquid surge occurs in:

34 / 109

Another name for front-end header boards is:

35 / 109

To make sure you know how to inspect your tank vehicle, you should:

36 / 109

If a material is transported in a reportable quantity, the shipper displays the letters ___ on the shipping paper and package.

37 / 109

The trailer hand valve should be used:

38 / 109

Your mirrors should be adjusted so that:

39 / 109

If the vehicle ahead of you is smaller than yours:

40 / 109

Never drive a tank vehicle:

41 / 109

A material’s hazard class reflects:

42 / 109

When stopping you should push the brake pedal down:

43 / 109

Which of the following is not a way to know when to change gears?

44 / 109

You should never load a cargo tank totally full. Why?

45 / 109

If a shipping paper describes both hazardous and non-hazardous products, the hazardous materials must be:

46 / 109

Unbaffled tanks usually transport:

47 / 109

Which of the following will NOT help you prevent rollover?

48 / 109

If you are being tailgated, you should:

49 / 109

Improperly placarded vehicles can only be moved:

50 / 109

When confronted by an aggressive driver, you should:

51 / 109

Baffled liquid tanks have:

52 / 109

Which of the following is not a type of retarder?

53 / 109

Letting air out of hot tires:

54 / 109

When loading and unloading the smaller tanks of a cargo tank equipped with bulkheads, you must pay attention to:

55 / 109

Which of the following statements about backing heavy vehicles is true?

56 / 109

You are inspecting your vehicle during a trip. What should you do?

57 / 109

You are more at risk of being fatigued:

58 / 109

When driving in hot weather, drivers should inspect tires:

59 / 109

The manifest for transporting hazardous wastes must be:

60 / 109

When driving a tanker, you should:

61 / 109

The service line is also called:

62 / 109

To avoid a crash:

63 / 109

Placards must be placed:

64 / 109

An ABS system:

65 / 109

A high center of gravity:

66 / 109

Pre-trip inspections are:

67 / 109

With a dual air brake system:

68 / 109

While driving, you should keep the shipping papers:

69 / 109

Liquid surge results from movement of the liquid in partially filled tanks. Side-to-side surge can cause:

70 / 109

The regulations require that HazMat employees be trained and tested at least once every:

71 / 109

Even if you are not required to always stop at railroad crossings and you are sure no train is approaching, you must stop before reaching the crossing if:

72 / 109

If a vehicle is equipped with ABS, when you start the engine:

73 / 109

Brake fade results from:

74 / 109

The low air pressure warning light is usually:

75 / 109

If your trailer starts to skid, you should:

76 / 109

Strong winds can make it difficult to stay in your lane, especially when:

77 / 109

Shipping papers must include:

78 / 109

If radioactive material is involved in a leak or broken package:

79 / 109

When approaching a stopped school bus, drivers must be aware that:

80 / 109

When you need to brake, you should warn the drivers behind:

81 / 109

You should be especially alert for drunk drivers:

82 / 109

Class 1 hazardous materials include:

83 / 109

Passive railroad crossings:

84 / 109

In a convex mirror everything appears:

85 / 109

Shippers must warn drivers and others about the material's hazards:

86 / 109

Before leaving your vehicle unattended, you should:

87 / 109

When checking the lights before driving:

88 / 109

To avoid a hazard:

89 / 109

For safety during a trip, you should:

90 / 109

When driving a tanker, liquid surge:

91 / 109

A person attending a placarded parked vehicle:

92 / 109

Placards should be placed at least ______ away from any other markings.

93 / 109

When coming to a stop, the liquid in the tank may surge, causing:

94 / 109

Your vehicle may take longer to stop:

95 / 109

What is the main difference between portable tanks and cargo tanks?

96 / 109

Black ice is:

97 / 109

If your trucks has a high center of gravity, which of the following is true for curves?

98 / 109

It may not be safe to operate at legal maximum weights:

99 / 109

Baffled liquid tanks:

100 / 109

The steering wheel should:

101 / 109

When you pull off the road and stop, you should:

102 / 109

Empty trucks:

103 / 109

If a tire fails while you are driving, you should:

104 / 109

The best advice for driving in fog is:

105 / 109

A shipping paper for HazMat must include:

106 / 109

If a tank is leaking, you should:

107 / 109

Which of the following is not a sign of fatigue?

108 / 109

The tractor protection valve:

109 / 109

You should always adjust your speed to be able to stop within:

All drivers who wish to drive a tank in Class A, B, or C CDL must have an approved Tanker endorsement on their commercial driver’s license СDL.

Free Online CDL Tanker Practice Test questions and answers to help you pass your state’s DMV Tanker exam.