1 / 118

Class 1 hazardous materials include:

2 / 118

When driving on long and/or steep downgrades, to select an appropriate safe speed you should consider:

3 / 118

Explosives, flammable gases and flammable liquids should not be placed in a cargo space that has:

4 / 118

Who must mark and label the hazardous materials?

5 / 118

You should stop before before a railroad crossing if your vehicle carries ______ of chlorine, and proceed only when you are sure no train is coming and you can clear the tracks without stopping.

6 / 118

Shippers must package the materials in order to:

7 / 118

Who must provide emergency response information?

8 / 118

If corrosive materials leak during transportation, the parts of the vehicle exposed to corrosives must:

9 / 118

Placards must be at least _____ inches square.

10 / 118

If your vehicle does not have racks to hold cylinders of compressed gas, the cylinders must be:

11 / 118

What should you do if your vehicle starts hydroplaning?

12 / 118

The regulations require that HazMat employees be trained and tested at least once every:

13 / 118

If you hear a loud loud "bang" and the steering feels "heavy", you should:

14 / 118

A shipping paper for hazardous materials must include:

15 / 118

The best way to recognize that your trailer has started to skid is:

16 / 118

When you are out of the vehicle, you must keep shipping papers related to hazardous materials:

17 / 118

Placards are used:

18 / 118

When checking the engine compartment:

19 / 118

Radial and bias-ply tires:

20 / 118

If the drive wheels start to skid:

21 / 118

If you are driving on a slippery road, you should:

22 / 118

If there is an "RQ" before or after the HEMS description on the shipping paper, it means that:

23 / 118

How can you tell if your vehicle is equipped with ABS?

24 / 118

Using a helper when backing up is:

25 / 118

Most heavy-duty vehicles use:

26 / 118

Shipping papers must include:

27 / 118

Which of the following is NOT correct? Anti-lock brakes:

28 / 118

The two main places on which the hazardous materials identification number must appear are:

29 / 118

The hazardous materials regulations require vehicles transporting certain types or quantities of HazMat to display warning signs called:

30 / 118

You are more at risk of being fatigued:

31 / 118

When going down grades, you should:

32 / 118


33 / 118

If the letter "G" appears in Column 1 of the Hazardous Materials Table, the description must also include:

34 / 118

If a shipping paper describes both hazardous and non-hazardous products, the hazardous materials must be:

35 / 118

Rough acceleration can cause:

36 / 118

Passive railroad crossings:

37 / 118

Before moving a tank of hazardous materials, you must:

38 / 118

An Anti-lock Braking System (ABS):

39 / 118

If your tires are hot, you should NOT:

40 / 118

When the temperature drops:

41 / 118

If you have convex mirrors, be aware that:

42 / 118

If you have to drive off the road, you should:

43 / 118

A shipping paper for HazMat must include:

44 / 118

Nitric acid should:

45 / 118

NEVER smoke within 25 feet of vehicles which contain:

46 / 118

The identification numbers assigned to chemicals can be found:

47 / 118

Your vehicle has hydraulic brakes. When you press the brake pedal while driving and the pedal goes to the floor, remember that:

48 / 118

When meeting an oncoming vehicle at night, if the other driver does not put their low beams on, you should:

49 / 118

Which of the following statements is true?

50 / 118

When travelling with cargo, inspect the securement of the cargo:

51 / 118

If radioactive material is involved in a leak or broken package:

52 / 118

Unless excepted, shipping papers must list:

53 / 118

Whether or not they load and secure the cargo themselves, drivers are responsible for:

54 / 118

If your vehicle thumps or vibrates heavily, it may be a sign that:

55 / 118

Which of the following statements about portable tanks is TRUE?

56 / 118

Do you need to stop before a railroad-highway crossing if you are hauling 100 pounds of Division 4.3 (dangerous when wet) materials?

57 / 118

Which of the following is true? If a HazMat is a Poison Inhalation Hazard:

58 / 118

Shipping papers:

59 / 118

When driving at night, you should dim your lights within ______ of an oncoming vehicle.

60 / 118

You should flash your brake lights to warn drivers behind you when:

61 / 118

Two of the most common causes of tire fires are:

62 / 118

When fueling a vehicle containing hazardous materials, you should:

63 / 118

To know how much space you should keep in front of you:

64 / 118

Some packages of radioactive materials bear a number called the "transport index", which tells:

65 / 118

If your brakes fail on a steep mountain downgrade, you should:

66 / 118

Placards must be placed:

67 / 118

If the hazardous materials are not properly prepared, a carrier should:

68 / 118

When driving in very hot weather, you may have to:

69 / 118

When should you downshift automatic transmissions?

70 / 118

To recognize if the shipment includes hazardous materials, you should look at the shipping paper and:

71 / 118

When driving at night, to avoid glare from oncoming vehicles you should:

72 / 118

When your drive wheels have poor traction, you should:

73 / 118

Placards are used to:

74 / 118

Empty trucks have the best braking. True or False?

75 / 118

When going down a steep downgrade, you should primarily brake using:

76 / 118

When shippers package hazardous materials, they certify that the package has been prepared according to the rules. The only exceptions are when:

77 / 118

The posted speed limit:

78 / 118

Before unloading explosive materials, you should:

79 / 118

If your placarded trailer has dual tires, you should check the tires:

80 / 118

Which of the following hazard classes should NOT be placed into a temperature-controlled trailer?

81 / 118

If you get stuck on the railroad tracks, the first thing you should do is:

82 / 118

If you are at the scene of an incident involving hazardous materials, you should:

83 / 118

When more cargo is piled up in a truck, the center of gravity moves:

84 / 118

When driving on slippery roads, you should NOT:

85 / 118

If the diamond-shaped hazard warning label won't fit on a package, shippers may label the hazardous materials:

86 / 118

If you notice a cargo leak, you should identify the hazardous material leaking:

87 / 118

If you must stop on a one-way or divided highway, you should place warning devices _______ toward the approaching traffic.

88 / 118

If you are being tailgated, you should:

89 / 118

To prevent drowsiness you should:

90 / 118

Confused drivers may:

91 / 118

The emergency response information must include all of the following except:

92 / 118

The basic description of hazardous materials does NOT include:

93 / 118

Which of the following statements about backing heavy vehicles is true?

94 / 118

Your engine runs a pump used during delivery of compressed gas. After product transfer, you should:

95 / 118

Which of the following is not a place where the shipping papers may be kept?

96 / 118

You must identify shipping papers related to hazardous materials or keep them on top of other shipping papers. You must also keep shipping papers in or on:

97 / 118

Shipping papers should be:

98 / 118

When driving on slippery surfaces, a lack of spray from other vehicles indicates that:

99 / 118

Who must certify that the package has been prepared according to the rules?

100 / 118

_________ helps coordinate emergency response to chemical hazards.

101 / 118

After starting the engine the coolant temperature should:

102 / 118

When using a fire extinguisher, you should:

103 / 118

Cargo tanks are:

104 / 118

Which of these statements about using your mirrors is FALSE?

105 / 118

If the words "Inhalation Hazard" appears on the shipping paper, the __________ placard must be displayed.

106 / 118

If a package of explosives shows dampness, you should:

107 / 118

You are driving a modern truck with a manual transmission. When going down a hill you should usually:

108 / 118

How should you brake if your vehicle loses ABS?

109 / 118

When approaching a vehicle with a distracted driver, you should:

110 / 118

Do not load animal or human food in the same vehicle with:

111 / 118

If you have a HazMat endorsement and renounce your U.S. citizenship:

112 / 118

Some packages of ________ bear a "transport index", which tells the degree of control needed during transportation.

113 / 118

If hazardous materials are spilling from your vehicle while you are driving, after parking the vehicle do NOT:

114 / 118

Strong winds can make it difficult to stay in your lane, especially when:

115 / 118

When you're going uphill and a heavy load is slowing you down, you should:

116 / 118

If the vehicle ahead of you is smaller than yours:

117 / 118

A vehicle inspection should be done:

118 / 118

To obtain the HazMat endorsement, you must pass a ________ background check.

All drivers who wish to transport hazardous materials must have an approved Hazmat endorsement on their commercial driver’s license СDL.

To do well on the Hazmad CDL practice tests and to earn the endorsement, test takers must know how to:

  • Recognize shipments of hazardous materials or wastes.
  • Safely load shipments.
  • Correctly placard.
  • Safely transport shipments.

Free Online Hazardous Materials CDL Practice Test questions and answers to help you pass your state’s DMV Hazmat exam.